Bot Doesn't Reply to Comments

This is one of the possible causes if your Facebook Page still works normally.

Cause 1: You have run out of Free version

It is noted that each free account is granted 1,000 conversations including Auto Inbox feature. If you have run out of these conversations, you must Upgrade your account to use continuously.

Cause 2: Auto Inbox isn't Enabled.

This is the most common cause, you accidentally turned off this feature on AhaChat. Let's check and turn it back on to keep the system running.

Cause 3: Leaving comment as Facebook Page.

This feature only runs when it has comments by a personal account.



Cause 4: The customer commented and received auto reply at the post previously.

This feature only sends messages to customers once. The next comments of this customer will not receive any additional message.

Cause 5: Feature “Allow people contact my Page…” is Unchecked

Cause 6: You are marked as spam or have a Checkpoint.

Spam is understood in two cases. One is that your post is spam and the other is that your comment wasn't used for spintax. For this mistake, Facebook will block like and comment features for a day for bot owner accounts.

Click on the “the latest error" button and you will see “You’re temporarily restricted from liking posts, Pages and comments, and from reviewing Pages…”.

You must go to Settings -> Role to check if account is currently active or not.

If there is red triangle, it means that this account has failed, you should click on this icon to find one of the five following causes:

· Cause 1: This account is restricted to use the like and comment features. You have to add another account to replace your current account or wait until Facebook unlocks your account. The error notification is “You’re temporarily restricted from liking posts, Pages and comments, and from reviewing Pages…”

· Cause 2: This account has an error token; you have to logout and log back in AhaChat. After that, please hit Refresh Permissions so that feature could run normally again. The error notification is “Error validating access token the user has not authorized application…”

· Cause 3: This account was added on AhaChat but it has removed permission as Editor or Admin on fanpage. You have to add these permissions again on fanpage. This error notification is “Permission error…”

· Cause 4: The page requires a Two Factor Authentication. This error notification is "The user must be an administrator, editor, or moderator of the page in order to impersonate it. If the page business requires Two Factor Authentication, the user also needs to enable Two Factor Authentication."

· Cause 5: This account is at checkpoint. This error notification is "The user is enrolled in a blocking, logged-in checkpoint."

Cause 7: The customer blocks page message or they are under 18.

The error will be displayed when clicking on the “Recent Errors" button in the Settings of Auto Inbox feature. And this case cannot be fixed.

Cause 8: You have not granted Auto Inbox permission to AhaChat.

The error will be displayed when clicking on the “Recent Errors" button in Setting of Auto Inbox feature.

Step 1: Remove AhaChat App (with this solution, don't worry that your data will be deleted)

Go then choose AhaChat App to remove.

Step 2: Access and log back in!

Note: Each bot message will be sent at least one minute after the customer comment. After the commenter receives a bot message, she/he has to reply to messages on Messenger to become a bot subscriber.