
There are 3 automations:

Welcome Message: It is your bot’s response to anyone who messages your business page via Messenger. It generally includes a warm greeting, a bit of basic information to orient the user, and options to engage and further the conversation. Think of it like the homepage of a website: the first place a prospect lands when they want to learn more about your brand and what you have to offer.

Default Message: It is your bot’s response to anyone who type in something your bot cannot recognize, for example — they typed in something that doesn't match any of your Keywords.

Keyword Message: It is your bot’s response to anyone who types in something your bot recognizes, for example — they typed in something that match any of your Keywords.

Create New Flow

You will now be in your Automation menu and this is where you are going to create your chat Flow. The first step is to click on “Add Block”.

A block means it is a one single back and forth conversation between the bot and user.

1. Add Block.

CONVERSATION: These are messages between the bot and user, which can include first and last name, email, phone or any information.

JSON API: Allows sending requests in the form of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE to get information from outside and send it to bot or user messages.

ATTRIBUTES: Save or change user and bot attributes.

CONDITION: Helps navigate users to the next block based on set conditions from answers given. The condition from top to bottom will correspond to the branch from left to right.

SMART DELAY: Bot stops conversation for a period of time (minutes/hours/days) before moving to the next block or flow.

RANDOMIZER: Branch in a predetermined proportion, used to perform A/B Testing.

SEND EMAIL: Sends an email to user.

GOOGLE SHEET: Save and get user data to/from Google Sheet.

2. Add messages for Bot and User.

1: Name of block
2: Integrate external API to transfer information from outside into messages.
3: Bot text message, can be used to get valuable information such as gender, phone, email and or to get Customer's name.
4: Bot image or video message.
5: Sets the waiting time for the following message compared to the previous message. If the message is longer, you should set the time to wait as long as the message to make communication appear natural - like chatting with real people.
6: Select the type of user replies (in this example, it is button), in addition we also support buttons: quick reply, text, photo tags ...
7: Add actions after audience Click buttons.
8: Add options to add buttons.
9: Select Branching so that when audience clicks the button it be will run to the desired block.
10: Similar to Branching, answers will be analyzed via conditions set through AND / OR conditions to run to the desired block.
11: Check if the message has chosen or entered is appropriate.
12: Skip and go to the next block without waiting for audience to select or enter a message.

3. Connecting blocks by Drag and Drop.

A series of blocks makes a conversation. You will have to connect one block to the other for the conversation to flow. The gif below shows you how to make a pipe connection by joining two different blocks.