Abandoned Cart for Woocommerce

AhaChat has developed a plugin for Woocommerce called AhaChat Messenger Marketing to help shop owners increase revenue quickly:


Your store is losing money every day through abandoned carts. Facebook Messenger is the most effective way to win them back. Once your visitor adds the product to his cart and opts-in, your Facebook page sends him up to three follow-up messages if he didn’t purchase.


Incentivize your shoppers by revealing a discount code below your Add-to-cart button. With a single click, they get the offer. And your store now has permission to message them if they don’t buy.


Engage potential customers 1:1 through FB Messenger. Retargeting ads might leave an impression. But Messenger messages have super-high open rates and click-through rates so that your visitors can complete their purchase.

Demo: https://woo.ahachat.com/product/ahachat/

Plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/ahachat-messenger-marketing/

1. Setting Cron Job

WordPress has something called wp-cron. If you haven’t read about it, its fine. But please be aware that you cannot live without it! That is why, I am not asking you to disable wp-cron.

1.1 Disable wp-cron

Still, we need to disable WordPress default wp-cron behaviour by adding following line to wp-config.php file:

define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);

1.2 Setup a real cronjob

Once you do that, you need to setup a real cron job and execute the wp-cron.php file with it. You don't want to trigger it too often - 30 minutes should be fine for most of the websites.

For Cpanel:

Login to your cPanel and go to the Cron jobs tool located in the Advanced section.

Then, add the following command to be executed every 30 minutes:

wget -q -O - http://yourdomain.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron >/dev/null 2>&1

You need to replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name. The Cron jobs tool has some of the most common schedules preset, so you can just select Every 30 minutes from the minutes drop-down and place a "*" symbol in the others.

For Linux

From your Linux terminal, first open crontab:

crontab -e

Then add a line like below in it.

*/10 * * * * curl http://example.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron > /dev/null 2>&1

Please make sure you use correct path to wp-cron.php.

2. Install the AhaChat plugin

Option 1: Go to the Plugins menu of Wordpress, select Add New then search for the keyword ahachat.

Option 2: Go straight to the download page plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/ahachat-messenger-marketing

After Install Now, activate the plugin so that it works with the interface with the AhaChat logo.

3. Use the AhaChat plugin

AhaChat offers functions as an easy to manage menu list as follows:

3.1 Analytics

Statistics of orders, revenue generated from bots and number of messages sent from bots.

3.2 Audience

Display the list of customers who have added to the cart. Here you can Send Broadcast to remind them to pay or send a promotional code.

There are 2 items here:

Users Added to Cart to display the list of customers who have added products to the C. At this stage, you will still not know who your customers are, just know how many products they have added to the Cart.

Audience to display a list of customers who have received messages from the bot and responded. Note that after replying, the customer on the Users Added to Cart section will be deleted. Customers who reply to the bot are already a subscriber and you can send broadcasts to this audience.

3.3 Coupons

If enabled, a green button will be displayed so that when customers click it, they will receive a coupon. Coupon interface can choose color, content to attract customers to click.

3.4 Shortcodes

Similar to Coupons but can embed into the content of the blog.

3.5 Abandoned Cart

As its name suggests, it helps you send 3 messages that remind customers to pay for abandoned orders. You should set the time of the message spaced respectively 1h, 6h, 20h to avoid disturbing customers.

3.6 Settings

This is the most important part, helping you integrate AhaChat into Wordpress, including 2 parts:

Part 1: Facebook Settings

Enter Broadcast API Token from AhaChat in the box above

Part 2: Woo Settings

Display settings checkbox Send to Messenger under Add to Cart button or not by turning off Checkbox under Add to Cart button. Especially, if you want to test if you have a message sent when you tick the checkbox or not, then you have to turn on (green color) Test Mode on (after testing, remember to turn it off).

(If Checkbox under Add to Cart button is turned on and turn off the "Add Coupon Code" box after Add to Cart button)

(In case of turning off the Checkbox under Add to Cart button and turning on the Add "Get Coupon Code" box after Add to Cart button)

All is done, now you just need to wait for the revenue increase significantly thanks to orders saved by AhaChat, good luck and do not forget to review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ for our plugin ;)