Here is a brief look at the Audience tab. It contains 6 main elements:
- In this section, you can filter your Audience and search for a particular Subscriber.
- The number of currently selected Subscribers.
- The Bulk actions you can apply to selected Subscribers.
- The number of all Subscribers (even unsubscribed users are counted).
- Your Subscribers list. All users who ever subscribed to your page are here, including Unknown Subscribers and Unsubscribed users (if you chose to show them in Settings -> General -> Audience Visibility).
- Subscribers list filtered according to a Tag each user added to.
How To Filter Your Audience
You can also combine these filters to better target and analyze your Audience. And you may choose as many conditions as you want:
What Is a Tag?
A tag is a way to segment your subscribers. You can add and remove tags from users to indicate that they are a part (or not a part) of a certain group.
You can also use tags to create different feeds of content inside your bot and use Main Menu to create subscription options. When a person clicks on the Subscribe button, you can automatically tag them with a special tag, for example, subscribed_to_weekly_updates and then do a weekly broadcast only for the tagged audience.
Likewise, you can create an unsubscribe button which will remove the tag from the person and thus remove him/her from the broadcasting list.
Think of tags as a way to group your subscribers. By using tags you can get insights from your subscribers and provide highly relevant content for people who need it the most.
How To Remove a Tag
Simply hover over the tag that you want to delete and click the red cross. Click "Delete Tag" in the confirmation popup.
Bulk Actions
Nobody likes to click a lot. Well, maybe somebody does, otherwise, games like Cookie Clicker wouldn't exist… Ok, if you don’t like to click much when performing same actions for the hundredth time — Bulk Actions is your savior.
After you have selected all the users you wanted, perform any of the Bulk Actions to tag them, subscribe to a Sequence or Unsubscribe from the bot:
Strictly speaking, please be VERY careful with the last one. We won’t be able to restore your Audience if you unsubscribe them!
Note that it is also possible to download PSIDs (Page-scoped ID) for the selected audience. This can be really useful to target this very Audience later in Facebook Ads (by uploading generated file). In order to do that simply select the option called "Export PSID".
PSID is a page-scoped ID for every user in your Audience that Facebook creates to handle different communication channels.
It's common for a business to use multiple channels to communicate with its customers, e.g., a website, a mobile app, and Messenger. When a person interacts with a business via Messenger, an ID is created for the specific Page associated with the bot in Messenger, which is called Page-scoped ID.
You can find PSID in every user’s profile in the Audience tab:
You can download PSIDs of all your users as .csv file here:
Note that you will need a PRO subscription to do that. The downloaded list will contain only PSIDs and nothing more. That list can be inserted, for example, into Facebook Ads Manager during targeting settings. Ads Manager will recognize them and you will be able to create a custom audience from your subscribers. You will get the success notification and see the link to the file:
Click it to start the download.
You may now upload this file directly to Facebook Ads Audiences.
Subscriber Profile
Click on any of your Subscribers' names to access their detailed profile.
Here you can check user status, timezone, tags and so on. Also, check that “Start Chat” button. It’s your fast access to Live Chat with this user.
Remember that depending on Live Chat settings, a conversation may be started by any messages (except Keywords) or explicitly. By clicking the button I mentioned above, it opens a conversation with a user even if it wasn't displayed in your Live Chat before.