10 posts tagged with "ahachat global"

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Chatbot Crash Course 101

Ty Nguyen

Ty Nguyen

CEO ❤️ AhaChat. Love babies & chatbot.

We've been writing about the benefits of chatbots for quite some time now. Today we wrote about how chatbots came to be and how relevant is it today in our market. Enjoy this quick read!

5 Uses of Chatbot in Facebook Marketing

Ty Nguyen

Ty Nguyen

CEO ❤️ AhaChat. Love babies & chatbot.

If you've been researching about chatbots, you'll see that it is available in different platforms such as websites, WeChat, WhatsApp and the like. We're here to give you reasons why Facebook is the best platform to have your chatbot and how AhaChat is at par with your brand requirements.