Chatbot Crash Course 101

Ty Nguyen

Ty Nguyen

CEO ❤️ AhaChat. Love babies & chatbot.

We've been writing about the benefits of chatbots for quite some time now. Today we wrote about how chatbots came to be and how relevant is it today in our market. Enjoy this quick read!


It is said that the global chatbot market is expected to reach $1.23 billion by 2025. With a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 24.3% based on a recent report by Grand View Research

What are Chatbots?

They are essentially computer programs that you can talk to mostly by text and also with voice.

Chatbots could have extended dialogues with you or your customers through communication platforms. Most chatbots are housed in Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Skype, Instagram, Web chat, etc and can even be integrated with a web portal or a mobile app!

Why Use Chatbots?

The answer is very simple - cost-efficient and self-service!

If you're building one, it lessens operational expenses because you don't need much people to man the bot. Most of the processes is automated.

People are naturally curious, they most of the time reach out to a medium where they can get instant answers given that we are now in the said "digital age".

Types of Chatbots

Generally there are 2 kinds of Chabots:

Rule-Based Chatbot

These kinds of chatbots are programmed to respond to specific pre-defined commands.

Most of the chatbots are programmed in this way, even AhaChat!

Machine-Learning Based Chatbot

These kinds of bots understands the natural language and learns from conversations within the program or platform

Chatbot Benefits

Easy Use

Chatbot creations are fool-proof as long as you have the conversations in mind and products ready.

Increased Efficiencies

Basic FAQs are answered immediately as opposed to waiting long or having long conversations with an actual customer service call.

Opex Reduction: Customer Service

The cost of chatbot building is actually cheap! Check out AhaChat's prices here for a good comparison of what we can offer.

Enhanced customer experience

Chatbot encounters can evolve into better experience through time given the data you will be getting from your customer conversations. Not only do chatbots help you save it can also help you grow your business or brand further!

24/7/365 availability

You can program your chatbot to be on call all day, all year. That's the beauty of it.

Chatbot Challenges

However, there is no such thing as a perfect chatbot. For sure there will be a few glitches here and there.

There might be limitations with natural language processing and understanding of colloquial, slang and local language. Sometimes lack of context could lead to inaccurate answers. If your bot is rule-based, there is a chance that it could lead to an unsatisfying customer experience.

We highly suggest that you have terms that could direct customers to a flow that would make the chatbot turn over the conversation to an admin on call. You can do this with AhaChat.

The Chatbot Solution


AhaChat is your next best friend when it comes to all things chatbot. Try out your very first chatbot with us today!